Points algébriques sur une courbe hyperelliptique de Nils Bruin
DOI: 10.54647/mathematics110421 88 Downloads 164467 Views
We give the set of algebraic points of degree ≤5 over Q on the hyperelliptic curveC: y²=6x(x^4+3). This result extends a previous result of Bruin of who described in [1] the set of Q-rational points on this curve.
Degree of algebraic points - Rational points - Algebraic extensions - Jacobian.
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El Hadji SOW, Moussa FALL, Oumar SALL,
Points algébriques sur une courbe hyperelliptique de Nils Bruin
, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.
Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2023 | PP. 130-138.
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