Structural Presentation of Some Concepts in Metric Spaces and Topological Spaces
DOI: 10.54647/dee470327 103 Downloads 245568 Views
The concept of metric space and topological space grew out of the study of real line and Euclidean space and study of continuous function on these spaces. In this Paper, we will try to discuss some concepts in metric spaces and topological spaces whose meanings are same but presented by the different ways. We will discuss open sets, closed sets, continuity and connectedness in the reference to metric space and topological space.
Metric Space, Topological Space and Compactness
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Pandit U. Chopade,
Structural Presentation of Some Concepts in Metric Spaces and Topological Spaces
, SCIREA Journal of Electrical Engineering.
Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 19-28.
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