Partial Algebraic Systems of type (T_n ,(n))
DOI: 10.54647/mathematics110401 93 Downloads 152645 Views
In this paper, we define the set (CF_(T_n,(n))(X_n))^{A^s} of all n-ary C-formulas on the partial algebraic system A^s=(A;(f^A_i)_i in I,r^A) of type (T_n,(n)) and define the operation R^{n,A} on the set( (W^C_{T_n}(X_n))^{A^s}U(CF_(T_n,(n))(X_n))^{A^s}. After this definition we have a unitary Menger algebra ( ( (W^C_{T_n}(X_n))^{A^s}U(CF_(T_n,(n))(X_n))^{A^s};R^{n,A},x^{A^s}_1,...,x^{A^s}_n) of rank n . Finally, we show that the set of all C-hypersubstitutions for an algebraic system of the type (T_n,(n)) with a binary operation on this set and the identity element forms a monoid.
term, unitary Menger algebra of rank n, hypersubstitution.
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Saofee Busaman,
Partial Algebraic Systems of type (T_n ,(n))
, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.
Volume 8, Issue 2, April 2023 | PP. 62-86.
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