The impact of electron irradiation on the electrical properties of n-Ge single crystals
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The effect of electron irradiation with the energy of 10 MeV on the electrical properties of n-Ge single crystals is investigated. Based on measurements of the Hall effect, the temperature dependences of the resistivity, concentration and mobility of current carriers for the range of 180–280 K have been obtained. It was shown that for the irradiation doses Ω<1016 el./cm2, germanium did not change the type of conductivity, and at doses Ω>2 1016 el./cm2, it was converting in p-type. The obtained experimental data show that, in contrast to γ-irradiated n-Ge single crystals, the new carrier scattering mechanisms affect the temperature changes of resistivity (along with the change at the temperature of the concentration of current carriers). Due to the high thermal sensitivity, germanium single crystals, irradiated by the electrons can be promising materials for the construction on their basis of the thermistors. The effect of radiation-stimulated increase of the effective mobility of current carriers for germanium single crystals is obtained, which is explained by the formation in the volume of single crystal during electron irradiation of high-conductivity inclusions. This effect is important for the creation on the basis of germanium, which was additionally subjected to the radiation processing by the electron beam, high-speed electronic devices for micro- and nanoelectronics.
irradiated germanium, temperature dependence of resistivity, scattering mechanisms, thermal sensitivity, high-conductivity inclusions.
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S.V. Luniov, A.I. Zimych, P. F. Nazarchuk, V.Т. Maslyuk, O.V. Burban,
The impact of electron irradiation on the electrical properties of n-Ge single crystals
, SCIREA Journal of Physics.
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2019 | PP. 1-7.
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