Fuzzy Non-monotonic Logic
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John McCarthy proposed non-monotonic reasoning for incomplete information in which reasoning is changed if knowledge is added to the system. Non-monotonic reasoning. Nonmonotonic Problems are undecided. An undecided problem has no solution. A method needed to solve undecided AI problems. In this paper, fuzzy modeling for non-monotonic logic is studied as method for non-monotonic reasoning. The Fuzzy non-monotonic reasoning is studied with a twofold fuzzy logic. Fuzzy truth maintenance system (FTMS) is studied for fuzzy non-monotonic reasoning. Fuzzy logic programming is given for non-monotonic reasoning some examples are discussed for fuzzy non-monotonic reasoning.
fuzzy Sets, twofold fuzzy sets, non-monotonic reasoning, fuzzy non-monotonic reasoning, incomplete knowledge, FTMS, fuzzy logic programming
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Poli Venkata Subba Reddy,
Fuzzy Non-monotonic Logic
, SCIREA Journal of Computer.
Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2019 | PP. 1-12.
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