What is heat?
DOI: 10.54647/physics14487 70 Downloads 6243 Views
According to Aristole’s Categories, there are three kinds of concept, i.e. substance, quality and quantity in physics. With the question “What is heat?”we mean : is heat a substance, a quality or a quantity? Historically, heat was referred to a substance caloric. Now, it is prevailed that heat is a quantity Q, also called “the quantity of heat” or simply “heat”. In this paper, we propose that heat is neither a substance, nor a quantity, but a quality or a property we perceive. We even conclude that the quantity of heat is not the quantity Q, but the quantity caloric or entropy S.
category; heat; quantity of heat; caloric; entropy
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Minhua Chen,
What is heat?
, SCIREA Journal of Physics.
Volume 7, Issue 6, December 2022 | PP. 244-258.
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