Visualization of Parameters of Hydrogeochemical Monitoring in Time and Space
DOI: 10.54647/biology18199 108 Downloads 6914 Views
Earth Crust of central Armenia were compiled. A seismological section according to the profile along which mineral water deposits are located was developed. The circle of the diagram of the chemical composition The visualization of graphical methods of hydrogeochemical information is shown. Maps of seismicity and stress-strain state of the of mineral water according to Tolstikhin is given. The vertical sections of the concentration of the chemical components of water were compiled.
deformation, seismicity, visualization, profile, section, diagram, stress
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Pashayan Romela, Karapetyan Jon, Harutyunyan Levon,
Visualization of Parameters of Hydrogeochemical Monitoring in Time and Space
, SCIREA Journal of Biology.
Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 11-22.
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