Techno- Economics of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Wind Turbine
DOI: 10.54647/energy48149 80 Downloads 222409 Views
To improve the overall energy production from the wind turbine and lower the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), an innovative approach for the design of a hybrid solar-wind turbine (HSWT) is proposed. The present concept is based on installing arrays of solar panels on the south-facing facade of the turbine tower to generate electricity from sunlight. The hybrid offers greater benefits compared to separate systems. An example is given of an offshore WT with a rated capacity of 4.7 MW forming part of a 600 MW wind farm in the North Atlantic. The 100 m high tower is covered with 465 PV panels of 340 W capacity. For evaluation, the gross resource of each renewable is estimated considering the specifications of the available data In the discussion, the LCOE’s of wind and the hybrid solar-wind combination are compared. From the results, it is clear that HSWT offers a reduced LCOE, even after allowing for shading losses from the blade, and a much steadier production of energy. The introduction of HSWT would help to make wind farms a more cost-effective and competitive source of clean energy.
Solar; wind-turbine; hybrid; tower; LCOE
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Cawas Phiroze Nazir,
Techno- Economics of a Hybrid Photovoltaic Wind Turbine
, SCIREA Journal of Energy.
Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021 | PP. 95-112.
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