Points algébriques de degrés au plus $5$ sur la courbe C d'équation affine y^{2}= 4x^{5}+1
DOI: 10.54647/mathematics11300 77 Downloads 6859 Views
In this work, we determine the set of algebraic points of degree at most Q over on the curve C given by the affine equation y^{2}= 4x^{5}+1. This result extends a result of Andrew R. Booker, Jeroen Sijsling, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight and Dan Yasak who described in [1] the set of rational points on this curve
Planes curves - Degree of algebraic points - Rationals points - Algebraic extensions - Jacobian-Linear system
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EL Hadji SOW, Moussa FALL, Oumar SALL,
Points algébriques de degrés au plus $5$ sur la courbe C d'équation affine y^{2}= 4x^{5}+1
, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.
Volume 6, Issue 6, December 2021 | PP. 73-86.
[ 1 ] | Andrew R. Booker, Jeroen Sijsling, Andrew V. Sutherland, John Voight and Dan Yasak, (2016). A database of genus-2 curves over the rational numbers. LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics, 19(A), 235-254. |
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