DOI: 10.54647/biology18175 94 Downloads 7312 Views
Species diversity is supported by trophic specialisation and the variability of environmental conditions in space and time, in other words, it is a form of the division of labour (a);Biodiversity helps to stabilise the functions (essential variables) of individuals, populations, and ecological communities (b);The emergence of biodiversity is determined by heritable variation and the advantage of specialised (more effective) structures over non-specialised ones (c);Biodiversity is characterised by its ability to increase itself and to organise itself during succession and/or evolution into relatively consistent structures, which we call production pyramids and nutrient cycles; in a certain sense, the ‚ontogenesis‘ of communities recapitulates their ‚phylogenesis‘. (d).
biodiversity, maintenance, function, origin, evolution, self-organisation, vacant niches
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Edmundas Lekevičius,
, SCIREA Journal of Biology.
Volume 7, Issue 1, February 2022 | PP. 1-10.
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