Anti-oxidation mechanism investigation of SiO2+SiC+Al (H2PO4)3 coating for continuous SiC fiber reinforced AlPO4 composites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the absorber
DOI: 10.54647/materials43128 90 Downloads 33676 Views
SiCf/AlPO4 composites were fabricated using a hot laminating process with MWCNTs as the absorber. A coating prepared from SiO2+SiC+Al (H2PO4)3 was applied to the surface of SiCf/AlPO4 composites prior to an anti-oxidation test at 1373 K in air for 40 h. The anti-oxidation effect was verified by a three-point bending test, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and a dielectric property test. Anti-oxidation mechanism investigations revealed that the coating effectiveness could be attributed to three substances, i.e. SiO2, SiP2O7 and SiO2 +AlPO4 solid solution from the reactions of SiC+O2→SiO2+CO, SiO2+P2O5→SiP2O7 and SiO2 +AlPO4→ solid solution, respectively.
SiC fibers; Oxidation; SiP2O7; Solid solution
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Xi Xia, Feng Wan, Jianhui Yan, Hongmei Xu, KaiDi Hu,
Anti-oxidation mechanism investigation of SiO2+SiC+Al (H2PO4)3 coating for continuous SiC fiber reinforced AlPO4 composites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes as the absorber
, SCIREA Journal of Materials.
Volume 6, Issue 3, June 2021 | PP. 25-35.
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