On Еc-(δ-ßc)-Compact Spaces and Еc-(δ-ßc)-Separation Axioms
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The purpose of the present paper is to consider new classes of generalized compact spaces called Еc-(resp. δ-ßc)-compact spaces via Еc-(resp. δ-ßc)-open sets respectively. Several characterizations and fundamental properties concerning of these forms of spaces are obtained. Moreover, some new types of separation axioms in topological spaces namely Еc-(resp. δ-ßc)-separation axioms via Еc (resp. δ-ßc)-open sets are introduced and studied. Several of their fundamental properties and relationships with other well-known types of spaces are discussed.
Еc-(resp. δ-ßc)-Compact space, Еc-(resp. δ-ßc)-open sets, Еc- separation axioms, δ-ßc- separation axioms.
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Sarah Haqi Abdulwahid, Alaa. M. F. AL. Jumaili,
On Еc-(δ-ßc)-Compact Spaces and Еc-(δ-ßc)-Separation Axioms
, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.
Volume 5, Issue 4, August 2020 | PP. 44-60.
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