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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting librarians’ approach toward IT application in libraries. It also aims to identify general underlying factors, which could be used to predict the likely behaviour of librarians toward IT innovation in their libraries.Design/methodology/approach – Primary data were collected through a questionnaire survey of (sample of 682) head librarians working in academic libraries across Approach. In total, 76 per cent valid responses were used for factor analysis. The study found that the intensity of librarians’ fears in IT handling, ability to cope with the ever-changing IT innovations and their level of understanding of IT-based rules and regulations were good predictors of librarians’ approach toward information technology.Practical implications – The findings can be utilized to improve the librarians’ approach toward IT applications, their role in IT-related decision making, their ownership of IT application in libraries and for success of library IT projects and innovations.
Librarians, approach, Library automation, Libraries, Nigeria, Research paper, IT, Innovations.
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, SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science.
Volume 2, Issue 2, April 2017 | PP. 29-39.
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