The geometric interpretation of some mathematical expressions containing the Riemann ζ-function
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The article discusses some of the mathematical results widely used in practice which contain the Riemann ζ-function, and, at first glance, are in contradiction with common sense. A geometric approach is suggested, based on the concept of the curvature of space, in which is calculated an algorithm that specifies the representation of ζ -function as an infinite diverging series. The analysis is based on the use of Einstein equations to calculate the metric of curved space.
Riemann ζ-function, Einstein equations, metric, metric tensor, energy-momentum tensor, Christoffel symbols, algorithm
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Yu. N. Zayko,
The geometric interpretation of some mathematical expressions containing the Riemann ζ-function
, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.
Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2016 | PP. 184-189.
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