Nature, Universe, Man
DOI: 10.54647/sociology841403 17 Downloads 221 Views
The hypothesis according to which the model of the Universe, based on the General Theory of Relativity, represents only one of the countless Small Universes, constituting the Big Universe unlimited in space-time, is considered. It is shown that the possibility of infinite existence of the latter arises due to a mind similar to the human mind, an immense set of carriers of which is contained in it (the Super-strong Anthropic Principle). Expansion of the functions of the concept “man” in the destiny of the Universe allows us to interpret Nature as a certain living organism existing everywhere and eternally. It has no external creator (God or the Absolute), no internal super-mind (Logos), no beginning and no end. Its mind is contained in all material elements that compose it without exception - from photons and quarks to star systems and culture bearers like us. But, of course, at different levels of complexity and in a variety of manifestations. In this sense, Nature is democratic: a) everything is connected to everything, b) there is nothing superfluous in it - something it can do without; c) there is nothing random in it that would not be natural. But, having rewarded us with reason, it expects from us a kind of response - the search for mechanisms of energy regeneration that would contribute to the eternal cycle of its matter.
Nature, Universe, man, mind, General Theory of Relativity, Standard Model, Synthetic Theory of Evolution.
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Givishvili G.,
Nature, Universe, Man
, SCIREA Journal of Sociology.
Volume 9, Issue 2, April 2025 | PP. 41-70.
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