Theory of medical errors (note 1)
DOI: 10.54647/pmh330369 22 Downloads 2434 Views
The unique individuality of patients' psychophysiology and the human factor of the physician are primary causes of medical errors. Our current understanding of these causes is insufficient to develop reliable control programs. Among the strategies to reduce errors, the most critical is admitting and openly discussing them among peers; however, this approach is complex and challenging to implement.
The goal of this publication is to introduce a new classification of certain aspects of the emerging theory of medical errors, aimed at enhancing the understanding of this issue.
The issue of medical errors is complex and often misunderstood, leading to irrational approaches to solving it—namely, attempting to decrease errors through punishment.
A rational, comprehensive approach should include: quality control of initial education, enhancement of the mentorship system, development and continuous refinement of clinical guidelines, exploration of error issues in medical school and during postgraduate training, training in error analysis itself, and quality control over the analysis of adverse outcomes without attributing blame or administering punishment.
For effective error analysis, categorizing errors by their primary causes is pragmatically valuable. Errors due to subjective reasons constitute the most complex and inadequately studied part of this issue. It's important to note that the mechanism of an error may not align with its cause. This text provides examples of common error mechanisms, highlighting the distinction between causes and mechanisms and underscoring the importance of identifying the mechanism.
Studying the theory of medical errors is equivalent to mastering a distinct scientific discipline. It systematizes known knowledge in new, previously unexplored interrelations.
The theory aims to improve understanding of the problem initially among physicians. Without grasping this issue, expecting a balanced and objective societal stance towards physicians' errors is challenging.
theory of medical errors; admitting errors; error analysis; causes of errors; mechanisms of errors.
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Murat M. Makhambetchin, Sergey V. Lokhvitskiy, Yermek M.Turgunov, Kayrat T. Shakeyev,
Theory of medical errors (note 1)
, SCIREA Journal of Health.
Volume 8, Issue 3, June 2024 | PP. 59-74.
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