Research on Philosophical Theories Related to Moral Paradox and the Path of Solving the Tram Problem
DOI: 10.54647/education720108 16 Downloads 766 Views
Moral paradox is a special contradiction in the world of moral phenomena, which is a result that appears in behavioral choices and has an absolute opposition and antagonistic nature between good and evil. The manifestation of the opposition between good and evil in the process of appropriate implementation of behavior choices. This article explores some philosophical theories related to moral paradoxes, excavates some philosophical theories related to moral paradoxes, reviews the case of the trolley problem, conducts research on the solution path of moral paradoxes, and applies theoretical results to practice. It can not only clarify the development process of moral paradoxes, but also reveal the essence and laws of their development, effectively improving people's moral literacy.
moral paradox; philosophical theory; trolley problem; resolving contradiction path
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Weikang Zhu,
Research on Philosophical Theories Related to Moral Paradox and the Path of Solving the Tram Problem
, SCIREA Journal of Education.
Volume 10, Issue 2, April 2025 | PP. 41-51.
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