Optimal allocation model for maritime emergency resource considering the spatial correlation between accident hotspots
DOI: 10.54647/isss120376 15 Downloads 219 Views
For effective maritime traffic emergency rescue (MTER) operations in the event of maritime traffic accidents (MTAs) and to improve rescue efficiency, it is necessary to analyse the MTER synergy problem and the cooperation between port states. First, the spatial information of accidents under the geographic information system(GIS) data structure is clarified from the global integrated shipping information system (GISIS) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm is used to conduct hotspot mapping analysis of MTAs to establish the clustering and classification of accident characteristics in key areas. Second, the classification characteristics of accident samples are extracted based on spatial information, and the correlation attributes between MTA hotspots are analysed. Furthermore by introducing complex network measurement technology, the topological model of the MTER network is established considering the correlation of accident hotspots, and combined this model with the sample data of MTAs in Southeast Asian waters from 1990 to 2022. Third, the MTER topological network model is quantitatively analysed under the accident space of Southeast Asia, and the degree of correlation of traffic accidents in key areas is obtained to reveal the inevitable demand for MTER between regions. The results of the analysis show that there is a network correlation between inter-regional accident hotspots, and thus the degree of correlation between accident hotspots needs to be considered for MTER in key areas. Countries in densely connected regions would set up joint rescue exercises and to be considered rescue assistance between port countries stakeholder, thus improving protection for accident emergency responses. The method of complex network topology based on spatial correlation between accident hotspots suggests a new attempt towards solving the MTER problem.
Maritime traffic accidents, Maritime traffic emergency rescue, Emergency resource, Spatial correlation, Complex network
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Shenping Hu, Weihua Liu, Chaoxia Yuan, Qinghua Zhu, Yang Zhang, Bing Han,
Optimal allocation model for maritime emergency resource considering the spatial correlation between accident hotspots
, SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science.
Volume 9, Issue 1, February 2025 | PP. 11-49.
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