Meta - Dialectical Method In Explaining Everything - The Basic Questions of Existence of Everything

Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2024     |     PP. 50-61      |     PDF (233 K)    |     Pub. Date: October 30, 2024
DOI: 10.54647/philosophy720098    2517 Downloads     23359 Views  


Igor Janev, Institute for political science, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

In the study of the general methodology of science and philosophy, we have discovered a common fundamental problem of the “paradox of the basic element” that creates inconsistencies in social and natural theory and general ontology and epistemology. Our study of the state interactions as a major international actor leads us to the conclusion that the unsolved “paradox of the basic element” of the General systems theory (GST) applied in the neorealist doctrine of international relations generates apparent fundamental theoretical weaknesses that had to be resolved. Therefore, herein we propose a solution to the paradox of the basic element on an ontological level by showing that not the element, but rather the relation is the basic “entity” of the system. Such an approach, where the relationship is the most fundamental category and plays a primary role in the system, transforms the GST into a relationist theory (systemic relationism) that includes the relevant systemic variables both in the system as a whole and in its subsystems (or elements). At the same time, due to the equivalence of the “paradox of the basic element” with the paradox of existence of anything or everything (usually formulated as “Why everything (that is) exists” (and not just nothing)), our relationist approach proved to be a good methodological tool for resolving this fundamental question of the general ontology.

interaction, system, element, state, existence, everything, nothingness, relation

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Igor Janev, Meta - Dialectical Method In Explaining Everything - The Basic Questions of Existence of Everything , SCIREA Journal of Philosophy. Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2024 | PP. 50-61. 10.54647/philosophy720098


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