Photo thermo-luminescence of crystal CaGa2Se4: Еu
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Thio- and seleno- halates of rare-earth elements (Ca, Sr, Ba)Ga2(S, Se)4 are part of compounds with general formula МА2ШВ4VI(М – Ba, Sr, Ca; AIII- Ga, Al; B4VI – S, Se). Compounds type of МА2ШВ4VI were first obtained by authors [1], where sulphides and selenides are part of 12 analogous composites, which crystalize in orthorhombic system. There are three studies, which contain evident of six classes of this compounds [2]. Crystal structure of three classes of the above mentioned composites - BaАl2Se4, BaGa2Se4 and CaGa2Se4– is presented in [3], where it was determined, that atoms Bа and Са are statistically distributed and occupy anti prismatic spaced on 50%. Luminescent properties of crystals with generic formula МА2ШВ4VI are presented in studies [4-9]
photoluminescence, spectra of excitation and emission, activation energy
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O.B.Taghiyev, Т.Sh.Qashimova, К.О. Taghiyev,
Photo thermo-luminescence of crystal CaGa2Se4: Еu
, SCIREA Journal of Physics.
Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2019 | PP. 63-68.
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