The Deductibility of the Generalized Syllogism AAM-1
DOI: 10.54647/isss120362 26 Downloads 2869 Views
Firstly, according to set theory, the validity of the generalized syllogism AAM-1 is proved in accordance with the truth-value definitions of quantified statements. Then, on the basis of generalized quantifier theory, this paper derives the other 14 valid generalized syllogisms from the validity of generalized syllogism AAM-1 by taking full advantage of the inner and outer negation of a generalized quantifier, the symmetry of the two Aristotelian quantifiers ‘some’ and ‘no’, the subsequent weakening rule, the anti-syllogism inference rules, and other reduction operations. This research method conforms to the demand of formal transformation for natural language information in the era of mega data.
generalized syllogism; deductibility; truth-value definition; quantifier
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Jingyi Zhang, Long Wei,
The Deductibility of the Generalized Syllogism AAM-1
, SCIREA Journal of Information Science and Systems Science.
Volume 8, Issue 5, October 2024 | PP. 186-193.
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