Knowledge Mining Based on the Aristotelian Modal Syllogism ▢EAO-3
DOI: 10.54647/philosophy720095 16 Downloads 3050 Views
This paper formalizes Aristotelian modal syllogism within the framework of knowledge mining and subsequently proves the validity of the Aristotelian modal syllogism ▢EAO-3 through the application of modal logic and generalized quantifier theory. Moreover, by means of the integration of specific rules and facts derived from first-order logic, the definitions of outer and inner negations of Aristotelian quantifiers in generalized quantifier theory, a minimum of 25 additional valid Aristotelian modal syllogisms based on the validity of the syllogism ▢EAO-3 have been successfully derived from the perspective of artificial intelligence knowledge mining. The proposed method not only exhibits elegance and simplicity, but also demonstrates its potential for universal applicability to diverse syllogistic scenarios. Undoubtedly, this research makes a significant contribution to the knowledge mining in the field of artificial intelligence.
Aristotelian modal syllogisms; knowledge mining; validity; generalized quantifier theory
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Jingyi Zhang, Yijiang Hao,
Knowledge Mining Based on the Aristotelian Modal Syllogism ▢EAO-3
, SCIREA Journal of Philosophy.
Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2024 | PP. 43-49.
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