The Reducibility of the Generalized Syllogism MMI-4 with the Quantifiers in Square{most} and Square{some}
DOI: 10.54647/mathematics110491 38 Downloads 3918 Views
This paper firstly proves the validity of the generalized syllogism MMI-4 with the quantifiers in Square{most} and Square{some}, and then making full use of the relevant definitions, facts, and reasoning rules to infer the other 20 valid generalized ones from the syllogism MMI-4. In other words, there are reducible relationships between/among these valid generalized syllogisms. The reason for this is because any quantifier in Square{some} can define the other three quantifiers, and so can any quantifier in Square{most}. This study has important theoretical value for natural language information processing.
generalized quantifiers; generalized syllogisms; reducibility; validity
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Haiping Wang, Jiaojiao Yuan,
The Reducibility of the Generalized Syllogism MMI-4 with the Quantifiers in Square{most} and Square{some}
, SCIREA Journal of Mathematics.
Volume 9, Issue 4, August 2024 | PP. 84-92.
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